330: #AskHappyHour: Balancing Promotional Vs. Value Content

How to Balance Value Content Versus Promotional Content

In this episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, Dawn and Traci answer a question that was asked by one of the members of our Periscope tribe. We usually encourage our periscope family to ask questions and we try to answer it as best we can here on the Happy Hour Podcast.

Here's the question:

How do you balance promotional content versus value content?

When it comes to social media, you need to have the right balance for posting promotional content and value content on Twitter. You can't be constantly pushing your links and trying to sell all the time. People will tune you out if you do that. You see, Twitter isn't like most social media platforms. You shouldn't approach it like you would Facebook or Instagram. You actually tweet way more compared to posting content on other channels. This is the reason why you should have a healthy balance of the content you tweet.

There are a lot of ways to make Twitter work for you. One of the most effective components is having links. People are going to click, share, and retweet links. That's why we think the majority of your tweets should have links.  

What are these links? Are these links directed to hardcore selling? Are these links directed to content?

Let's take a look at the Happy Hour strategy. Every few hours, we have a tweet that goes out specifically saying, click here get this. In here, we are not selling anything, but we are selling the click. We're getting people to our lead magnet so that they optin to our list. Technically, we don't sell anything on Twitter at all. We do promote affiliate programs and our own stuff, but the majority of the tweets we do are for valuable content. If you were to put out 10 tweets, 8 to 9 should be valuable content. In our case, it's like 20 tweets are valuable content and the 21st is the promotional content. It will depend on how often you tweet and how much value content you have.

What we're doing is tweeting people to old podcasts, to trainings that we've done, to blog posts, to different things that we've done. Basically, we repurpose old content that already have the links to our lead magnets and the different courses that we offer. We make sure that we're always tweeting and sharing value.

Here's a little tip for you if you're using Twitter to get people to go your website:

You can have a little tracking pixel so that the people who have already been to your site and consumed some of your content, you'll have a way to retarget them with paid advertising. It's easier to advertise to these people because you know that they're interested. So don't worry about not getting anything when you send people to content. Because with tracking pixels, you'll have a way of reaching out to those people again, and they're more likely to buy something because they already know you or have consumed some of your free content.

Plan on creating content.

If you don't have a lot of content to send people to, it will feel like you're doing more promotional posts. You have to create value and add it to your Twitter asset inventory whether it's a blog post, a video, a podcast, even an amazing Facebook post. All you have to do is grab the links of those content and tweet that out. Just have a good supply of great content to share.

By the way, if you haven't already, download the Periscope App and be part of our wicked awesome Periscope family. Just look for SMMHappyHour.

Also, we share and discuss so many stuff on our free Facebook group that you won't find or hear anywhere else. To join our amazing #Gamechangers group, head on over to www.happyhourhangouts.com/fbgroup.

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