4 Ways To Build Your Business with Google Hangouts

google hangouts

Google Hangouts are becoming more and more popular as a communications tool. And just like the telephone, fax machine, email and Skype gave birth to new ways of doing business, so too have Google Hangouts. If you've never seen one in action, here's a brief clip to give you a better idea of what we're talking about:

All you need to get started is a free Google Plus account, and I recommend using the Google Chrome browser (just makes things a little easier)… Now, without further ado, here are 4 ways you can start using Google Hangouts to create more leverage, retention and profit in your business starting today.

1. Google Hangouts For Team Building

In this age of online purchasing, more and more people are enrolling into Network Marketing programs via the internet. This has teams divided by hundreds or thousands of miles, making face-to-face meetings expensive and inconvenient. Google Hangouts allow you to bring your team together in a way that wasn't previously possible. Now you can get a core team of up to 10 people together and broadcast that mastermind meeting/training LIVE to as many other teammates as you want. And because hangouts are automatically recorded, they'll be there in the morning for the teammates whose timezones didn't allow them to attend live.

2. Selling Via Google Hangout

Google HangoutI've never seen a more powerful online sales vehicle than a group of successful people having an intimate face-to-face conversation about how a product, service or team has changed their life. It brings the leaders into the homes and hearts of your prospects, and gives them a “realness” factor that makes other people think “hey, if they can do this, so can I.” If you've got someone on the fence about making a buying decision; put them on a hangout.

Case study: With less than 100 people on a live Google Hangout we were able to profit more than $6000 in just a couple of hours… and because it was recorded, sales have continued to roll in for weeks after the fact. And again, it's recorded so sending people to the recorded broadcast can have an equally powerful effect long after the hangout is over.

3. Run Webinars with Google Hangouts

It's no secret that webinars are an amazing tool when it comes to training, selling and sharing information in general. Now you can host live webinars completely free of charge using Google Hangouts.

TIP: Our favorite software for this is Webinar Jam, a third-party service that allows you to collect registrations (which are added to your email list… BONUS!), and run a webinar inside of a webinar room complete with a comment system and the ability to add buy buttons whenever you like. Most people won't ever know the difference between this and a Go To Webinar… and Go To Webinar is $100 per month!

webinar express

4. Google Hangouts For List Building

Every single Google Hangout you host is an opportunity to build your email list. Using easy to use Facebook capture page creators like 22 Social you can create amazing landing pages right inside of Facebook in just minutes, and start building your mailing list within the hour. Below is an example – your Google Hangout plays right inside of Facebook, and prospects are literally added to your mailing list with the click of a button!

22Social Facebook Fanpages

Embed Your Google Hangouts Using The 22 Social app.
Click here for details…

You can also use your webinars as a lead magnet using Webinar Jam or LeadPages. By having people register for your webinar, they are also being added to your autoresponder list… registrationpage


It's a great way of getting an email in exchange for value!

BONUS TIP: Google Hangouts Are Good For Your Brand

There is nothing more powerful in home business marketing right now than video. And with Google Hangouts being totally FREE, user friendly, with the ability to broadcast all over the world… there's really no excuse not to use it. The more your audience gets to know, like, trust and remember you, the more you will be able to sell… period.

Get your face out there and start connecting with your future customers… the world awaits your awesomeness!

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