344: Talking to Your “Who”

Know your avatar and communicate properly

Communication is an essential part of any marketing strategy, but you can’t properly communicate with your target audience unless you know who exactly you are talking to.

Do you know “who” you are talking to when market your business? In this episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, Dawn and Traci share how you can talk to your “who” when it comes to your advertising and in your follow up so you can maximize the effectiveness of your marketing.

Know who your “who” is.

A lot of times, we focus on advertising ourselves or our business and we pay little attention to our intended audience when in fact, one of the secrets to success in marketing is knowing “who” you are talking to.

So who is your “who”? Have you gone through an avatar process? Do you really know who you are talking to? Do you know your target market? You’ll have to think hard who your avatar is and as much as possible, be more specific and niche down. The broader the market, the harder it is to get the right thing. You can get so specific that each individual comes in with a different user experience since they may have come into your marketing funnel a different way.  At Happy Hour, one of our top-selling courses is our avatar training course. If you want more information on this, head on over to https://happyhourhangouts.com/avatar.

Talk to your “who” based upon the current stage of your relationship.

Once you know who you're talking to, you'll soon have traffic flowing in. They’ll be coming in from different places. It is important that you differentiate those people. You have to determine if they are warm market, hot market, or cold market. Are they from your  warm market who have been with you for a long time or are they first timers that have only seen your landing page for just 10 minutes?  

For example, if you talk to someone who has never heard of you before the same way you talk to existing clients, you’ll most likely end up miscommunicating. You can't talk to an audience that barely knows you or your business in a way you talk to those who have been patronizing you or are familiar with your brand. Don't talk to cold traffic the way you talk to warm traffic.

Use technology to leverage your marketing strategy.

It's easy to put things together in this day and age because of technology. We now have technology that allows you to be a better communicator. Since you can communicate so clearly with ads, you’ll have so much targeting available to you. And because you have so much autoresponders available, it's easy to see how people are behaving and how often they go to your website or click on your links.

About a year ago, Happy Hour started using Ontraport autoresponder. It was only until then that we started to see significant changes in our business because we were able to segment lists and see the behavior of people or where they're at in the relationship. That’s made such a big difference! It has also allowed entrepreneurs to talk to people at different stages.

Ontraport is a premium service, but now they've changed their product market and open up to a new market or cold market, especially because their premium account was pricey for most of the fresh entrepreneurs. They have a wicked awesome offers now that are more affordable. You can even get lead capture pages for free! You can check out their offers here: https://happyhourhangouts.com/awesome.

Segment your lists.

The main reason you build a list is so you can use it as leverage and transform it to a valuable asset, translating into your business’ profitability. Learn how to segment lists, segment your target, and talk to your “who” and you’re sure to get your lead cost down. It’s not difficult to dial it in, but you’ll also have to do some trial and error and continuously hone it and eventually, you’ll getting better at it. Have a list of and properly segment it depending on the type of audience you have so you will be able to speak to people in different stages with your ads, emails, product offerings.

Take this example: In webinar registrations, when a person registers, they are sent follow up emails. They need differ emails compared to those who didn't register. Those who didn't need to get emails that will convince/invite them to join. And those that did,need to get instructions and reminders on how to join in on the webinar. If you registered and you get a email to register, that will create confusion and they lose confidence in you and feel you are not paying attention.

For cold market, you have to give them something upfront, or something to take away to spark interest in you and your business like a great value product, a lead magnet, great content.

By knowing who your “who” is, you can transform all your marketing to become so much more effective than it was before. It will ultimately transform your business and the lives of potential clients/customers. Even the people who don't become clients even get something out of it.

If you need some help mapping out your process and you want to apply for a diagnostic session with us, fill out an application here: https://happyhourhangouts.com/coaching.

Keep tuning in to our podcasts!

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