333: Blogging: What If You Don’t Like Writing?

Tips to Make Great Blogs Even If You Can't or Don't Like Writing

What if you don't like to write? What if you don't have the time? What if you lack the inspiration? What if you were told that you couldn't write and you believed it? How do you start and keep a blog going then?

Nowadays, when we talk about blogging, it's all about having amazing content. Your primary goal should be to get your content shared so you can become a thought leader in your industry. So if you think you can't or you really don't like writing at all, what can you do to still make this happen? In this episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, Dawn and Traci share some strategy to help even the worst writer smash any excuses about producing a great blog.

Why don't you like to write?

Whether we admit it or not, not all of us are excellent writers. It could be that you struggle because you don't have the time, the energy, the inspiration, or even the confidence to do it. Whatever the reason may be, you still have to overcome it because the fact is, blogging REALLY works and will continue to work! It should be an essential part of your overall marketing strategy.

Sometimes, we imprint in our minds that we can't write because someone told us so. And when you think that you're not, you'll never really know that you are! As an example, Traci shares her experience with her Political Science college professor who told her she wrote the worst paper he ever read. This made her feel bad and it destroyed her self-confidence when it came to writing.

By the way, Traci is a wicked awesome communicator and her confidence level is pretty high with that. But she realized earlier on that she may not be as great at writing as she is at communicating her ideas. But don't let it get you down. If you have a similar experience, just rise above it and still choose to make a difference in this world.

How do you get things done despite of all your reasons to not get it done?
  1. Let someone else write it for you. When you've decided on what topics you want written, you can actually hire a virtual assistant or a freelance writer to do it. You only need a little bit of budget for this since you can get very cheap rates from the writers.
  2. Record and hire someone to transcribe it. If you don't like writing but you can communicate your point well when you speak, you can record it on an audio file and have someone transcribe it into a blog post. Even better, when you send the audio file, you can have them do more than transcribing. They can format, upload, and publish it on your site for you!
  3. Use software that allow you to just dictate and it'll type it in for you. You can use Drag and Dictate software or something like that. Evernote is also a good place to do that. You can use your smartphone for this!
  4. Do video blogs. For some who are more comfortable talking and being on camera than writing, video blogs are a great way to get valuable content out to your potential audience.
  5. Have someone proofread and edit your blog. If you're not that confident with the grammar or the structure of the things you write, you can always hire someone to skim through and edit it to make sure your grammar, spelling, and sentence structures are spot on.

What it comes down to is this: There's really no excuse for you not to have a successful blog because there are so many ways around those reasons that you thought hindered you from having one.

“You have something inside of you that can make a difference – that can help people. So whether your grammar's great or you've been told you're a crappy writer, you can't hold it back. You've got to share your brilliance with the world.” – Traci

If you need some help with blogging, we have a course on that in our Inner Circle Mastermind Group. If you decide you want to be part of our Inner Circle, head on over to https://happyhourhangouts.com/innercircle.

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