324: Chasing Your Avatar, Not Hot Platforms

Look For Your Avatar, Not The Newest Platform

New social media platforms keep coming out and they are sucking everyone's attention. This isn't a bad thing per se, but when you're an entrepreneur or a marketer and you get overly excited about these new platforms, you could make the mistake of letting things slide on your old platforms. In this episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, Dawn and Traci share with you what really matters when it comes to marketing on social media, and that alone will determine where you should focus your efforts!

Now the question that's been blogging a lot of entrepreneurs is this: What social media platform should I be on?

Not all new platforms are right for you.

It's easy to get tempted by something new, something popular, something interesting and cool. But before you decide to dive in, you might want to think things through. Can this new platform really benefit you Does it really fit your brand or cater to the kind of people you want to attract to your business? Are you going to hit the right avatar with that platform?  A new social media platform doesn't always spell success for your marketing strategies. It's not about going after what's hot or new, it's about going after what works for you and what attracts your avatar!

Let's take Snapchat as an example. When it first came out, people were so in to it, especially younger individuals. Traci started using it but in spite of her being a social media expert, she didn't really get it. And she didn't pursue it or let it take any more brain space because she realized that this platform wasn't targeting the market for Happy Hour and her own business. Our avatar was simply not hanging out there.

It’s okay to not be everywhere.

It’s also okay to choose not to be on a certain social media channel. If you know your avatar isn't likely to be on that platform, you don't have to be there. You have to up your game and realize that not everybody is going to be your customer. Not everybody wants to buy stuff from your or listen to what you have to say. That's why you have to be more specific and more targeted. You can have a presence on the majority of the platforms, but you should focus on one or two that are more likely to have your avatar there.

Know who you want to talk to.

Basically, the answer to the question asked earlier is quite simple. And you can answer this question with a YES or NO: Is your avatar going to be there? Always make it a point to be where your avatar is. No matter how great your product or service is, if you're not hitting the right group of people, you won't get a good response, you won't be able to sell to them, and you won't achieve the kind of success you've been dreaming of.

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