305: Is Facebook Out & Instagram in?

Is Instagram Taking Over Facebook When It Comes To Building Your Business?

Do you think Facebook is dead? Do you think Instagram is taking over? What do you think is the hottest place to market right now? If you're looking for some insight with regards to this topic, or if you really haven't  thought of these things yet, this episode will shed some light for you.

In this episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, Dawn & Traci talk about an article that Dawn recently shared in the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Inner Circle Mastermind that caused a bit of an uproar. The article read, “Facebook is out, Instagram is in when it comes to building a business.” We got so much feedback on that comment that we thought to do a podcast on this topic to clear the air and discuss whether we believe this to be true or not and how it can impact your business.

The article we are referring to was from Canberra Times, an Australian news website. It was on a company called Showpo, where their Chief Executive Jane Lu talked about how Instagram overpowered Facebook in terms of likes, shares, and reaches for their business. Click here to read the article. 


So why was there a lot of confusion arising from our discussion over at our mastermind group?

Perhaps most of the people in our mastermind group didn't have their ideal customer on Instagram. Many in the group disagreed and some were even worried and considered taking their marketing to another platform. While it is true that Showpo garnered success using Instagram, not everybody has a business that lends to success on Instagram. Take note that Showpo is an online fashion business. If you have a visual business, whether it's fashion, makeup, fitness, or any of that kind of stuff, you'll really crush it on Instagram. So we believe that the Jane Lu thought that way because her perfect audience was there.

This article was written from a perspective of online fashion retailing where the target market is younger people, so it totally makes sense for them to say what they said. For example, if your target market is women aged 65 and above, Instagram isn't the best place to do your marketing because that group is very underrepresented there. You have to take it with a grain of salt. Sometimes, what works for others might not exactly work for you. There are some who will gain success with Instagram and some will have the same on Facebook.

For the record, we don't think Facebook is out at all. We love it and continue to do a lot of advertising and marketing over there. In fact, Facebook has purchased Instagram because Instagram is booming! Without a shadow of a doubt, Instagram is HOT now. But remember, you have to pick the perfect platform for where your perfect audience is hanging out. 


The success of your social media marketing will depend on these things:

  • What your business is.
  • Who your target market is.


We'd love to hear your thoughts! Do you think Facebook is dead? Is Instagram taking over? What do you think is the hottest place to market right now? Tell us also what type of business you have. Tweet us @SMMHappyHour!

You might also want to join our wicked awesome Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Inner Circle where we share and discuss amazing and helpful stuff for your business. Go to www.HappyHourHangouts.com/innercircle.

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