332: Growing Your “Invisible List” With Great Content

Using Your Blog to Grow Your Invisible List

Last episode, we talked about how blogging fits into your overall social media strategy and we also started talking about tracking pixels and it's role in marketing automation. We know how awesome marketing automation is and how it can set you free once you set it up. So in this episode of Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, we are going to dive further into the topic of incorporating marketing automation and tracking pixels on your blog to help create that super valuable “invisible list”.

What are tracking pixels?

For those of you who are not familiar with it, tracking pixels are actually tiny pieces of code you put into your website. You can grab the code from your Facebook or Twitter custom audience, or other providers like Perfect Audience. This code will help track a person's visit on a webpage, ad impressions, or when a person opens an email. Tracking pixels essentially become part of your marketing automation system. What happens is when you create really great and evergreen pieces of content on your blog and you pixel it, when people click your stuff, you are starting to build your invisible list.

The Concept of an Invisible List

Before, when someone goes to your blog, no matter how many hours they spend there consuming free content, if they leave without giving you their name and email, you'll have no way of tracking them. You won't be able to follow up or offer something. But with this whole concept of an invisible list, you are able to take all those people who visited and convert them into warmer contacts. At first they were strangers or cold traffic, but after being exposed to your webpage or your content, they have become warm traffic. Now you can use paid advertising to reach those warm contacts.

Advertising to Your Invisible List

If we advertise to people who have already visited and consumed some of our content, they are more likely to optin and become a lead and get into our mailing list of even become a subscriber. What this does is it drives our lead cost down. So instead of having to spend $3-$4 on a lead, you can have it for much less than that.

Once you get good at this stuff, you can actually have specific posts that you can put that code on and build specific lists for only the people who were interested in that post or topic. For example, when people click the link to our Twitter course, we can send paid ads to only those people since we know they were interested enough to click it. There's a good chance that those people will buy our offer compared to sending an ad straight to cold traffic.

It all boils down to that “know, like, and trust” factor. And definitely, when you have a blog, you are enabling people to get to know you, your business, your product or services and you’re also showing them that you're a thought leader in your niche. People are more likely going to do business with you if you help them solve their problem, or address their pain or pleasure points.

If you have any questions that you’d like to ask us, you can email us at info@happyhourhangouts.com.

Also, if you haven’t joined our awesome Happy Hour Gamechangers Group, you can do so by heading on over to https://happyhourhangouts.com/fbgroup.

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