20: Masterminds: The Master Key to Unlocking Your Potential

Masterminds: The Master Key for Unlocking Your Full Potential

“The Mastermind alliance (masterminds) consists of two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.” – Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill believed that you could not take possession of the “master key” to open the door to your “major, definite purpose in life” until you had used the mastermind principle. Seeing as how Think and Grow Rich is the best-selling success personal development book of all time (having sold more than 70 million copies as of 2011), we think he might be onto something.

There is power in having another set of eyes on your ideas, especially by other people who are equally committed to success and are moving. They often see things you don't, and can offer valuable perspective, experience and insight that can help you move forward much faster than you could on your own.

One plus one does not equal two when it comes to a mastermind… masterminds create multiplication.

Traci shares the mastermind experience that helped to shape Happy Hour, and how a group of different people, from very different businesses can allow you to see things you couldn't see yourself.

All successful leaders have coaches, mentors and masterminds. Discover why being part of a mastermind can transform your business and accelerate your success.

Our Mini Masterminds: The Hot Seat

Every Tuesday and Thursday we host the live Social Media Marketing Happy Hour, and one of our most popular segments is the Hot Seat, as it allows people to share their work and get feedback from Dawn and Traci, and from other viewers.

Because of the value of the Hot Seat, and it's popularity only inner circle members get access.

It's important to know that a mastermind is a platform to give as much as it is to get. All ships rise with a tide, and the more you succeed the more others around you succeed.

Remember, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with… Who are you spending the most time with? And are you excited to be like those people?

If not, it's time to seek a community where you can grow and thrive. In fact Napoleon Hill himself said the mastermind principle will “allow you to accomplish in one year, more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime, if you depended entirely on your own efforts for success.”

Resources in this Episode of the Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Podcast

[one_third][/one_third] Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Inner Circle Mastermind

Napoleon Hill's Mastermind Principle



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